Thursday, May 15, 2008

We Saw You, Baby!

As I am approaching the end of the first trimester, (yeah!), things are gradually looking up like they said in the books indeed. Nausea is already a remote word to me. As a meat lover, there was some time between 7th and 8th week, I couldn’t even bear smelling the so-called “slaver-inducing” flavor of meats. It is all gone by now. I started to enjoy cooking and eating meat again. The tiredness and sleepiness, however, are still with me day and night. I am still very unproductive on anything I do daily. Really look forward to the days coming that I can be active, spirited and energetic again.

We have been to the hospital and seen the fetus' ultrasound picture twice, last Tuesday (5/6) and today (5/15). Obviously the fetus is growing very fast. I hardly saw anything last Tuesday when the OB checked the heartbeat of the baby. XJ did see some tiny electric waves as he sat closer to the monitor. We both felt so CALM that we started to doubt that we are both retarded on this parental intuition thing. Today, only 8 days later, in my 12 weeks and 1 day pregnancy, the size of fetus doubled! I finally saw it clearly, especially when the operator enlarged it on the screen. She (as XJ referred it) was moving violently (as XJ described it) with arms and legs all over the place. The heartbeat was very obvious and quite powerful. It was really amazing to see a moving creature inside my body. We were definitely amused by her performance. And as “retarded” parent, we still haven’t felt that flush of desperately thrill and joy as people described. Just as one close friend puts it, she is more thrilled for us than we are.

1 comment:

Kylie (Kaili) Jia said...

It's an exciting experience following your pregnancy trajectory. I am so happy for you and XJ!