Thursday, May 29, 2008

The "Grand Opening" of 2nd Trimester

The second trimester finally arrived as expected, wait, too early to cheer up. It is coming with a cold first and hay fever followed. In order to avoid the allergen – pollen, I have to chain myself at home with windows closed. New England just entered into summer, sunny, mild weather, the pleasing breeze, the balmy smell…the best season in a year. All I can do is to watch it through a closed window. Sigh!

As every pregnant woman desperately looks forward to, the second trimester is supposed to be the best part of pregnancy, even the most joyful part in a woman’s life. I definitely haven’t tasted a bit of it with the cold and hay fever. My nose has been running and I have been sneezing so hard that I am afraid I could almost shoot the baby out of my body every time I sneeze. The most annoying thing of hay fever is that it lasts LONG, as long as there is pollen in the air. It has been 2 weeks in my case and there is still no sign of the end. The pollen allergy also does damage to my face. It caused red rash all over my face, which not only ruined my “maternity glow”, but also itches really bad.

Hopefully, as traditional wisdom said, the best part comes later.

1 comment:

Kylie (Kaili) Jia said...

I was laughing really hard reading that you could almost shoot the baby out of your body whenever you sneezed! It's too funny!