Friday, July 18, 2008

Babymoon (1)

There is honeymoon after saying “I do” in church for newly weds and there is babymoon after surviving the first semester for parents-to-be. It seems that moon is associated with romantic settings regardless of geological and cultural boundaries.

Knowing it is just a made-up concept to draw money from our bank accounts by marketing guys in tourist industry, XJ and I can’t resist the temptation to have a babymoon before the Little XJ&XJ is born. Yeah, why not take the last chance to have some fun in our couplehood? My belly just started to show so I am still physically adroit. Spiritually, pregnancy makes me happier than ever. I guess I have reached the best times of the nine months.

To go or not to go? – This is a non-issue for us. For some reason, we didn’t get chance to have a honeymoon. This would be an excellent opportunity for us to relax and have some fun while we are still a childless couple. There are a lot of places in North America that we haven’t been to. We thought about going to Yellow Stone or Grand Canyon, but it is too late as the parks are already booked out for the summer. Puerto Rico since we live on the east coast? Then we learned not only the temperature is too hot for preggies, but also it is the hurricane season over there during summer time. Don’t even mention the Latin food will be a big challenge for my flimsy stomach. Las Vegas? A friend told me it was a disaster to go to Las Vegas when she was pregnant as so many people smoke and the dryness almost made her dehydrated. Where to go? I started to admire some of my friends’ decisions to travel around before getting pregnant. Shoulda Woulda Coulda…

The babymoon destination is still under discussing. I am sure there will be a Baby Moon 2 coming up soon. However, XJ’s company organized an outing up in New Hampshire last weekend and we had a great time. Before we make our decision, let it be the preface of our babymoon for now.

1 comment:

Ldesou said...

You may find some ideas for babymoon destinations on this site