Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A Tea Solution

I have been trying to drink water for several days. Old habits die really hard. My daily fluid intake has been significantly reduced because water just tastes so plain. I can’t help but start to find green tea alternatives. Then Teavana ( came to my notice. They sell caffeine-free loose tea leaves! XJ and I went to the nearest mall immediately and bought their most popular caffeine-free tea for pregnant women – Blueberry Bliss Rooibos Tea mixed with Peach Tranquility herbal Tea. Even though these flavored teas can’t compare with the natural fragrance and bitterness of green tea, it is so much better than water. I feel I have found the perfect drinking solution for my pregnancy. If I get tired of this flavor, I can always go back to get another flavor. They seem have many varieties of caffeine-free teas.

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