Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Baby Boom?

As we were driving home yesterday, XJ told me that another one of his friend is expecting a baby girl this August. Flash back. Suddenly, I realized so many of our friends have been hit /will soon be hitting on the parental road. The news came to me from mail box, MSN live messages, phone conversations and personal surprises. The baby waves have washed me again and again. Interestingly enough, I hadn’t noticed this pattern before I was pregnant. Does this mean another baby boom is coming? What a change! Is it me or is it the world? Flash back again. When XJ and I decided to get married two years ago, we found so many our single friends were getting married too. All of a sudden, I laughed at myself. This is life - a never-stopping-never-ending grand live event. As individuals, we are visitors. As we walk along the event, we see different scenes and feel different feelings. “Life is a journey”, I have known this line since I was in elementary school and quoted it in my writings now and then. But all these years, I have never taken a moment to slow down and seriously think over its real meaning and how it is applied to my life. No wonder people say you immediately grow up when a baby is presented in your hand. The coming of the XJ&XJ definitely provoked my philosophical thinking!


Kylie (Kaili) Jia said...

What can I say?

Love + Marriage = Babies!!!

Lingjie said...

Nice thinking...

I remember my brother said, when my sister-in-law was pregnant, he suddenly realized there are pregnant women everywhere. And my Mom said, they are always there, just you never cared so much. :)

By the way, I like your pillow!

Libby said...

Thank you Lingjie! Glad to know you have been watching my progress. I am in 18th week already. The time runs fast!